Applied BioMechanics

 How Applied BioMechanics Works

     How does Applied BioMechanics work? First, one must observe what happens in the body when it is in strain. The body is always trying to achieve homeostasis; being a normal, functioning state. Stress, being constructive, makes the body stronger and more functional by the body proprioceptively learning where it is at in space and how to best function while retaining its center of gravity.
     When stress becomes too much and goes beyond where the body can retain normal function, the iso point/ elastic limit, then it cannot return to normal and the body is officially in strain. The body must adapt, as in, the neuromusculoskeletal system must develop new relationships to be able to function as well as it can.
     Applied BioMechanics works by using a plumb line and t square to accurately assess where a person’s center of gravity has moved to and the proper contact point that will encourage the center of gravity to return to normal. When the proper contact point is found in standing position, a change can be seen in the body. However, the body is still under the influence of gravity so the major work takes place in the prone position.
     When the client is on the table, contact is taken at the point found while standing on the t square. This very light touch shortens the gluteal muscle towards it’s point of origin in a passive way, allowing the muscle to relax. The gluteal muscle, being an extreme load bearing muscle, when it can be relaxed, sends a ripple effect throughout the body as muscles that were previously taking on the jobs of other muscles are also able to relax. With the top part of the body and the lower part of the body only being attached at eight points, it’s easy to see how a strain pattern can quickly cause body-wide issues. So, it is only natural and completely logical that to move in the direction of ease of these important postural muscles would then cause the rest of the body to relax. It is as Dr. Hurley said, “Rest equals cure”.
     In individual muscles, there is a natural mechanism that signals a ‘repair mode’ after a muscle has been contracted. However, with repetitive strain, or just life, sometimes these signals don’t quite make it to the brain. There is so much going on mechanically, chemically, thermally, and electrically that the brain can not process everything.
By causing the postural muscles to move in a direction of ease, affecting the sacrum and
encouraging the center of gravity to move back to a previously held, comfortable way of being, you introduce true rest back into the system. This affects the body down to a cellular level.

Hurley’s Syllogism
Exhaustion is the only cause of death
Fatigue is some degree of exhaustion
Degrees and amounts of fatigue measure the approach of exhaustion
Disease is some degree of death
Degrees and amounts of disease measure the approach of death
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